Monday, May 06, 2013

Breaking Bad.

My drawing of 'Mr White' in the hands of Bryan Cranston.


Matt Jones said...


ps said...

That's neat! How did you come to meet Bryan Cranston?

I've always thought he had a very cartoonish/expressive face (in a good way). I think it's what makes him such a good actor.

Federico Milella said...


david Gribouille said...

Ça a dû être une bien chouette rencontre !

Rona said...

Whoa, coooool!

samacleod said... awesome. How cool is that???

mylydy said...

la claaaaasse :D

Anonymous said...


Now me and Bryan Cranston have something in common - we both have sketches done by your fair hand on our wall!

Monsieur Pentecost

Anonymous said...

Amaziing !!
Je viens de découvrir (et terminé) la série,

A travers BD, j' ai (re) découvert cet acteur qui a été juste bluffant.

une vraie révélation.

Le sketch est très ressemblant !

Scarab’ee said...

nom de diou...oui la classe :)