Friday, October 28, 2005


A little gouache on cardboard inspired by a picture of my late Grandad in the 1940's.


Unknown said...

This is very beautiful!! Your grand dad would be very proud of the painting!! Very very charming painting!

Elliot Cowan said...

Always delightful work from Stef.

Bernard Joaquin said...

hey stef

cool painting.....I like the shadow work...and the paterns on the tie and jacket...

nice work

MikeS said...

A man of many talents you are, Stef! Always a delight to see! Very nicely done!

Thanks for the comments you left for me on my last sketches, very much appreciated! You are one of those who make gesture drawing look effortless! Thanks for the inspiration and continue to do so!

Au revoir, a bientot....or something like that.....

Uli Meyer said...

What can I say? Lovely painting.

Unknown said...

Thanks Eliott and Benerd!
Merci beaucoup Mike! very flattered! and good French!
Thanks Uli! I haven't done any watercolours for a bit now and your monsters really inspire me! they're superb.

limbolo said...

Pepe serait fier de son petit-fils.

Unknown said...

Merci beaucoup Limbolo! tres touche et flatte venant d'un maitre. said...

I was missing your paintings :) this one is beautiful

Drazen said...

Real cool Steph

Unknown said...

Thanks Virginia and Drazen!

Neelambari said...

I like gouache paintings, this one is really nice, and lovely color scheme. I like your 'Sculpts' too, they are wonderful.

Pedro said...

You seem to be at ease in any medium. Excellent work!

yoborob said...

hi stef - just had my first look at your blog - great stuff - particularly like the pencil pony sketch and the colours in this pic are great - reminiscent of those old railway posters.

the doodlers said...

Hi Stef!

This does have a faded enamel sign feeling... good atmosphere! Your Grandad must have been a fine character!

boko said...

Your work is Awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Papa est très fier de son fils et ému par le portrait de son père réalisé par son petit fils.
Merci steph

Mónica Calvo said...

it is really beautiful!! The colour and the ligth, and his expression, he seems like a nice guy :D

Mark McDonnell said...

Great sketch man. Love the push of mediums and the drop shadow the middle value of the board. Very fun and in the vein of "Visual Development."


Carolyn said...

This is really great. I just LOVE IT!!