The brief was to do a very 1920's French style illustration, I thought about A.M Cassandre straight away, beautiful simple designs.
The top one was the favorite, and I then did the 2 other ones. I did the last one in black and white first, but they wanted a color version to fit with the style of the movie better.
I had very little information about how Remy will look like at the time, which I guess was good in a way to help me keeping the design simple.
They're going to be used for consumer products purposes.
Bon Apetit!

I already told you how much I liked these...Well...I like 'em even more now.
Merci Oscar. For once I had the chance to do whatever I wanted.
Great, that's the style spot on! Simple and effective as ever.
Goodness - I remember these wonderful images from before I even left Australia!
These are the best! Damn they are good!!!!!
- Thanks Max.
- Shhhh Elliot, you weren't meant to see those.
- Thanks Chenguin.
- Thanks Buddy! Mevrow Kardos.
awesome thanks for sharing!
Absolutely gorgeous work! Bravo!
I'm looking forward to seeing these out in the world. They're fantastic. Thank you!
I think it's a shame that everyone at mouse house doesn't get to see all the hard work you guys do - I feel lucky to know where to look.
Come see my blog.
super bon
and now as a rat-related aside,
what fromage are you?
amazing work!
Nice a plum job! Wish We did stuff like that in the USA.
tres belles images!
quelle finesse de trait et une composition digne des plus grand artiste de la renaissance italienne
- Hey William, good to hear from you!
Yes, sometimes I wish that they've put more effort in movie posters. Some movies are great, but the posters are dreadful!
- Cher biloute, merci.
Fabuleux Stef! I remember the top one but the 2nd & 3rd are even better. Very appealing versions of Remy. I think the 2nd is a particularly vintage effort- stylised & graphic yet warm with a hint of French panache!
Merci Matthieu! I had a chat with Constance last week about "un monstre a Paris", can't wait to see what it looks like?
When are we be allowed to see your story board?
absolutely lovley stef!!!! I cant decide which one I like the best!!! You never fail to amaze:)
Great work stef, they all look really nice. Can't wait to so see the movie this has really wet my appetite Thanks.
These are AWESOME Stephane.
I saw the movie at Pixar a few months ago( in an animatic form), and from what I know of it, you're right on the money with these designs.
These are SO SO SO good!
These terrific posters raise an important issue.
I know that you get criticised for showing work like this before Film releases. Supposedly the relationship between Pixar and Disney is at best lukewarm- and for them to see Artwork Online from their films apparently makes their blood boil.
I say apparently because these kinds of stories are always embellished on as they work there way down the front line.
I'm in the other camp. I think posts like these help create the buzz around the film, and lets face it Disney has to PROVE their talent to Pixar- not the other way round. Blogs like Stef's are helping not hindering. Pixar is a VISUAL company- DISNEY used to be- that's the difference.
I forgot my point.
-Merci beaucoup Pascal! If you guys still don't know Pascal's work, check out his blog, he's producing an amazing illustration everyday, on flash, so talented and prolific Artist!
-Merci ma chatte. Totally agree with you, the blogs are a great way for us to show that Disney is still alive in some areas and not just ran by "creative" executives.
You proved the point last week with Neo Mickey, nobody was involved but you at the beginning and then Barry, and the result is mind blowing, one of the best thing that happened to Mickey in years!
And that;s just the start.
- They don't even have the pictures of the posters on their blogs Monsieur Jones.
Fun to see a different side of your artistry. A man of many talents.
Wahouoooooooou! That's so sexy! Please do me a favour, ask me to come back again in your fabulous blog, and improve your french spelling: bon aPPetit!
Wahouoooooooou! That's so sexy! Please do me a favour, ask me to come back again in your fabulous blog, and improve your french spelling: bon aPPetit!
These are BEYOND Brilliant!! Bravo!
SOOOO Nice! You captured that look perfectly! I just did some toy designs for the movie! The trailer looks quite funny!
Love the wine bottle one. I admire it every time I walk by it at work.
- Thank you very much Nathan. You're a great source of inspiration.
- Oui bon he, non mais alors.
- Thank you very much Peter!
- Thanks Urbanbarbarian. What kind of toys did you design?
- Thanks Ry's!
How verry... French!
wow, these are fantastic! and i love the style! my favorite one is the first one as well :D
These are sooooooo cute!!
And come check my blog. I posted some new stuff today.
amazingly good.
A dream brief! Elegantly executed.
So beautiful ! I love these posters. I want them all. I hope Disney makes them available for purchase when the movie comes out .
- Thanks Bones!
- Bonjour Meredith!
- Hey thanks Will!
- Merci Michael, that's was indeed a very interesting project to work on. More to come.
- Thank you very much David!
Thanks for sharing these. I really like the simplicity of them and yet how you capture the emotion. Amazing work!!!!
Awesome thanks for sharing! My favorite one is the second one. :)
Awesome thanks for sharing! My favorite one is the second one. :)
Those are awesome! And you say you didn't know what Remi would look like? You practically have him down to a T! ^o^
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